Research and action for fair and accountable policing

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Giving a voice to those affected by stop and search

Share your experience of stop and search

Please use this form to share your experience of stop and search with us.

You can indicate near the end of the form if you would like us to support you to make a complaint or seek legal advice.

If you are unable to complete this form, please call us on 0208 226 5737.

Please tick here if you would prefer to remain anonymous. We will not use this data without your consent.
Please tell us the date (including year) and time of day that you were stopped and searched.
Please include as much detail as you can remember, for example, the location (including the city, town, road or any defining features) and whether you were driving or walking, who you were with, whether you were close to your home etc.
Please give as much detail as you can. Include the number of officers involved and any information you were given (e.g. the reason you were stopped or your legal rights). Include any excessive force/threats of violence, what was said and your response.
If no, were you told why you were not being given one? Please tell us if you have any other information relating to this. For example you were told that issuing a receipt would take too much time or wasn't possible as the officer(s) were needed elsewhere.
This can include how you felt at the time and after the incident including how you feel about it now.
Were you arrested as a result of your stop and search?
For example, did the officers find anything, were you charged with a crime?
If yes, how many times have you previously been stopped and searched? Please include any other details you'd like to tell us about any previous stop and searches.
Please use this space to include anything that you haven’t included above, this might include your thoughts on police powers, whether your friends have had similar experiences of stop and search or anything else that might be useful for us to know.
Would you like further assistance? StopWatch can support you to write a complaint letter to the relevant police force, or help you seek legal advice. If you select Yes, we will contact you.

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